Rachel Rickards: 

Meet Rachel

From her early days as a spirited hostess in a bustling Mexican restaurant to becoming a celebrated facilitator and mentor, Rachel Rickard's life story is a testament to the power of transformation and authenticity. Born with a natural ability to connect with others, Rachel's initial career in the hospitality industry was just the beginning of a lifelong pursuit int he art of bringing people together in meaningful ways.

As a teenager with a vibrant spirit, Rachel felt a deep calling to orchestrate gatherings that celebrated love and union. This passion led her to pursue a degree in hospitality management, dreaming of becoming a wedding planner. However, life had other plans. Struggling with mathematics at university, a career counselor's suggestion opened the door to a specialized path in special event management at Florida State University. This shift marked the first of many pivots that would define her dynamic career.

Her aspirations soon took her from Florida to the glitz of Los Angeles, where she immersed herself in the world of high-profile events, from Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week to the Golden Globe Awards. It was here, amid the sparkle of celebrity and the pressure of performance, that Rachel began a profound journey inward. As she navigated personal trials—family crises and a transformative therapeutic encounter that suggested a potential career in therapy—Rachel realized her next calling lay in the exploration of human psychology and sexuality.

Pursuing a master’s degree in human sexuality and sex therapy, Rachel not only deepened her understanding of herself but also embraced her identity as a bisexual woman. This revelation led her into the welcoming arms of the LGBTQ+ community, although it also presented challenges as she navigated the complexities of identity and acceptance.

rachel's early life

Rachel is a beacon and catalyst for anyone seeking to live authentically and passionately.

Rachel's explorative spirit led her to the concept of polyamory, which resonated deeply with her, sparking a new chapter in her personal and professional life. She found herself on a reality series, "Polyamory: Married and Dating," which, despite its eventual personal challenges, significantly shaped her perspectives on love, relationships, community and being an activist int he public eye. 

The culmination of these experiences brought Rachel to Bali, where she engaged in transformative practices with the Bali Kula led by David Cates. This period of intense personal growth reinforced her commitment to helping others find their own paths to healing and fulfillment by understanding the power of working with our nervous systems and in tribal containers. 

Enriched and enlightened, Rachel, made a powerful shift from event producer to group facilitator alongside her partner, co-founded Embodied Intimacy, a platform dedicated to teaching Intimacy and Relating through the lens of body-aware, trauma-informed practices. For nearly a decade, they traveled globally, fostering a community that thrived on openness and deep connection.

here to inspire your souls unique spark

After decades of offering events and workshops a new method and way of leading started to actualize into what would become “The Field.” 

Through the beautiful combination of embodiment, resonance, intention, presence, relational attunement and consciousness a new style of leading a facilitating that integrates listening as much a penetrating has begun to define the space rachel opens and holds.  Rachel channels her vast experiences into mentoring soul-led entrepreneurs, helping them to harness their innate abilities and lead with heart in a transforming world. Rachel has an almost natural ability to open up a space for transformation and initiation, making a profound impact on every life she touches.