Embodied Facilitation Mastery

One of Rachel's remarkable gifts is helping others transform what isn't working in their lives into something beautiful. She teaches the process of composting the old and ineffective and transforming it into something true, real, and beautiful.

Welcome to a pivotal turning point in your facilitation career

This transformative process is at the heart of her mentorship, guiding individuals to embrace their authenticity and achieve their goals by living in harmony with their true selves.

Rachel's personal journey is deeply intertwined with her professional path, reflecting her authentic soul's expression in contrast to societal norms. It took immense courage for her to be true to herself and reject the typical moulds of business and life that didn’t resonate with her heart's shape or authentic message.

Rachel is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in special event management and event production. With a degree in this field, Rachel has honed her expertise in managing the logistical and practical elements that ensure successful events.

At the heart of all Rachel's work lies the art of gathering and bringing people together.

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step into change

Rachel is also skilled in group facilitation, particularly in areas related to embodiment, relational intimacy, and therapeutic group work, which she has been actively involved in since 2014. Her approach in these spaces is informed by a deep understanding of human connection and personal growth. Combining her expertise in event production, marketing, and group facilitation, Rachel offers a comprehensive suite of mentorship services. Rachel's marketing services focus on helping you clarify your visions and create impactful events. Her mentorship services aim to uncover and articulate who you are, what your brand represents, and what you can contribute to the world!

At the heart of all Rachel's work lies the art of gathering and bringing people together.

Rachel has spent the last 12 years specialising in marketing for transformational festivals, workshops, and events. Her natural talent and success in this niche have made her a sought-after expert in promoting and enhancing unique experiences.

Establishing the Starting Point & Setting the Foundation

Determining your current level of experience & identifying the intention and goals for the mentorship relationship.

mapping the journey

Outlining a clear roadmap for success, customised to your unique needs and aspirations - starting the discussion about offers, sales strategies, and messaging to create a comprehensive plan for success.

Implementing, Integrating, and Expanding

Identifying and Overcoming Blocks. Addressing pain points, limiting beliefs, and obstacles that hinder your potential. Clearing away confusion and creating clarity around your vision and next steps.

full body yes

Soul Spark and Purpose Alignment

Clarifying your soul calling and how it manifests in your professional and personal lives. Connecting you to your core purpose and unique gifts.

the process of her mentorship approach:

Creating Healthy Habits and Structures

Developing routines and patterns that support sustainable growth and resilience. Working with the nervous system to expand capacity for complexity and stress management.

Activation and Empowerment

Igniting your inner fire and motivation. Facilitating healing and clearing of limiting beliefs to activate your full potential.

Embodying Confidence and Intuition

Fostering a deeper connection to intuition and body signals. Supporting you in trusting your inner guidance and acting from a place of alignment.

Ongoing Support and Accountability

Providing continuous high-impact mentorship to ensure you stay on track. Helping you to integrate new insights and practices into your daily life for sustained growth.

Rachel’s 1:1 mentoring sessions are meticulously designed to guide you through a transformative journey, offering both strategic clarity and deep personal growth. 

Rachel will passionately champion you to uncover your soul spark, discover your calling, embrace your unique gifts, and find the intrinsic motivation that will brighten each day.

In her mentorship, Rachel encourages you to become an entrepreneur on your own terms, making your own rules, setting your own hours and rates, and creating a life that aligns with your true frequency. She advocates for a feminine, organic way of flowing with business, allowing it to be a unique calling rather than adhering to rigid marketing strategies or step-by-step processes.

Unwavering Belief and Support

By accepting you into her mentorship program, Rachel commits wholeheartedly to your growth and success. This commitment is rooted in a profound belief in your unique genius and potential. Rachel sees your soul, understands your purpose, and is dedicated to helping you realise the blossoming and becoming that she knows you are destined for.

Rachel’s Commitment to Clients 

Long-term impact

Rachel envisions that the work you do together, even focusing on short-term goals, will have a profound and lasting impact. This mentorship is designed to rebuild the core of your professional engine, setting you up for sustained success and growth for years to come.

Deep Commitment to Transformation

The mentorship process with Rachel involves hard work and dedication, but the outcomes are designed to be long-lasting. This is not a quick fix or a short-term solution. Together, you will delve into the core mechanics of your business and personal growth, rebuilding the foundation to ensure long-term sustainability and success.

Creating a Sustainable Business Engine

Think of this mentorship as a major overhaul of your professional machinery. By putting in the effort now, you are setting yourself up for a future where your business runs smoothly and efficiently. The initial hard work will create a momentum that allows you to reap the benefits for years to come. The events, workshops, and client engagements you develop during this time will become lasting revenue streams and sources of growth.

Long-Term Vision and Building for the Future

Rachel’s vision is to create a sustainable and thriving business for you. The strategies and structures you build together will continue to serve you long after the mentorship ends. You will refine and perfect your offerings, making them increasingly effective and easier to manage over time. This means that the initial investment of time and effort will pay off exponentially, allowing you to do less work while achieving greater results.

Clarity and Confidence in Purpose:

Rachel helps you to define your unique path, discover your true calling and craft the perfect job title that resonates with your unique genius and passions.

Empowerment and Financial Abundance:

Move from uncertainty to confidently planning, launching, and running your first successful launch and creating a lucrative and sustainable business.

Personal and Professional Growth:

Step into your role as a powerful leader, feeling clear and confident in who you are and what you’re doing, and taking your career and personal life to the next level.

Emotional and Spiritual Well-being:

Learn to work at a pace that feels right for you, attuning to your nervous system and maintaining emotional and physical well-being.

Strategic and Practical Support:

Receive practical tools and actionable steps to overcome obstacles, refine your offers, and create compelling messaging that resonates with your audience.

Rachel’s mentorship program is designed to facilitate profound personal and professional transformations for you, empowering you to build wealth in body, mind, and business. 

Specific Key Outcomes & Transformations of Rachel's Mentorship Program

You may be brand new to group facilitation, event production or entrepreneurship and are just starting out. You seek Rachel's guidance to navigate the process with impact, ease, and soul alignment.

The Aspiring Facilitator

You already have a practice, such as in sacred sexuality, embodiment, or massage therapist, and are experienced in working one-on-one with clients. You are now looking to expand your practice into group settings and want to translate your message to a larger audience, seeking Rachel's expertise to grow your business.

The Evolving Practitioner

You are already a group facilitator, business owner or entrepreneur and are wanting to stretch into new territories or prepare to launch a new program. You seek Rachel’s support and guidance to navigate this expansion and refine your skills.

The Seasoned Facilitator

An Integrative Mentorship Approach

She believes that stepping into leadership and facilitation impacts every dimension of life—personal, professional, relational, physical, and spiritual. How one shows up as a leader mirrors how one engages in relationships, with each aspect reflecting a fractal nature of itself. The way Rachel treats her beloved or child is the same way she treats her groups and participants, demonstrating consistency and authenticity in all her interactions.

Rachel’s journey as a mother directly informs her role as a facilitator, and vice versa. The skills and insights gained from motherhood enhance her ability to facilitate groups with empathy, patience, and nurturing care. Similarly, the organisational and leadership skills developed through event production shape how she manages her roles as both a mother and a facilitator. Everything is in a fractal nature of itself.

By joining Rachel in her mentorship program, you will experience this cross-application of modalities. Becoming a better group facilitator enhances one’s ability to be a better parent, and being a better parent deepens one’s commitment and effectiveness in business. 

This holistic approach ensures that you achieve success in both your personal and professional lives, embodying authenticity, that Rachel exemplifies in her own life.

Where Are You Now and How Can Rachel Help You Thrive?

Interconnectedness is the core of Rachel’s mentorship philosophy. 

You do not fit the typical mould of a group facilitator or event producer but you are a leader in your field. You are looking for Rachel's unique skill set to enhance your leadership abilities and communication techniques in your specific context.

The Non-Traditional Leader

You seek to integrate your roles as a mother, professional, entrepreneur, and leader. You want to cross-pollinate your different hats and show up authentically in all aspects of your life, receiving Rachel's guidance to blend these identities seamlessly.

The Integrative Visionary

Client Benefits Working With Rachel

Rachel's unique strengths empower you to:

Recognize and embrace your unique talents and genius.

Rachel's commitment to you is reflected in her empathetic, nurturing, and strategic mentoring style, ensuring you have the support and tools needed to achieve your fullest potential and live the life you desire.

Connect deeply with your purpose and soul spark.

Feel seen, heard, and inspired to take courageous actions.

Balance strategic direction with emotional attunement.

Translate inner insights into practical, actionable steps.

Co-create and realise a compelling vision for your life and business

Embrace discomfort and take courageous actions.

Achieve clarity on your personal and professional goals.

Integrate various aspects of your identities into a cohesive, authentic whole.

Build your business in alignment with your soul's calling.

Develop leadership skills that resonate with your unique strengths and values.

why rachel

Rachel's mentorship is designed to empower you into your full potential to take bold action towards your goals. She offers a holistic approach that combines practical business strategies with personal growth, addressing both the external and internal challenges you will face.

Rachel lives what she teaches and embodies the principles she imparts. Her unique skill set spans event management, authentic marketing, vulnerable leadership, and group facilitation. This comprehensive expertise, coupled with her ability to balance masculine productivity with feminine receptivity, makes her mentorship a powerful catalyst for her clients' success.

Unlike many facilitators who focus solely on the facilitation aspect, Rachel brings expertise in event management, authentic marketing, and leadership. 

By working with Rachel, clients experience a transformative journey that helps them realise their fullest potential, achieve sustainable success, and build thriving, fulfilling businesses. Rachel’s commitment to empowering you with the tools, insights, and support you need is at the heart of her mentorship practice, making her a valuable partner in your journey to success.

Rachel’s mentorship program is more than just mentoring; it’s a comprehensive experience designed to unlock your full potential and guide you towards a thriving and fulfilling career and life.

Rachel’s distinctive qualities and abilities 

Rachel has an exceptional ability to identify your unique genius and reflect it back to you. She collaborates with you to bring your potential to fruition, whether in your role as a facilitator, business leader, or in any other capacity. She empowers you to see and embrace your inherent talents and strengths.

Spotting and Reflecting Genius:

Rachel excels at connecting you to your soul spark and essence. She delves into the core of why you are here, supporting you to rise to your calling. This deep connection enables you to align your actions with your true purpose, fostering a sense of fulfilment and direction.

Soul Spark Connection:

Her communication style is effective, exciting, and inspiring, fully empowering you without suppression or repression. This strength helps you feel seen, heard, and motivated to take bold steps.

Epic Communication:

Rachel seamlessly integrates masculine and feminine energies in her mentorship. Her masculine side brings productivity, action, and presence, driving the business forward. Her feminine side embodies attunement, receptivity, and creativity, enhancing her facilitation and empathetic connection with you.  This dynamic balance allows her to adapt to your needs, providing both strategic direction and emotional support.

Balanced Integration of Masculine and Feminine Energies:

Rachel's feminine aspect allows her to deeply feel, empathise, and attune to your emotional and heart-level needs. Simultaneously, her masculine energy comes online to create actionable steps from this understanding. She knows what is needed to harness emotional energy and put it into practical use, ensuring that you can translate your inner experiences into real-world actions.

Emotional Attunement and Practical Implementation:

Rachel brings together all these elements to co-create a vision with you. She guides you in taking the necessary steps to make your vision a reality. This process is magical and beautiful, as Rachel supports you through every stage, from conceptualization to implementation.

Vision Creation and Realisation:

For the leaders & entrepreneurs who are here to make a difference in their facilitation

Integrating practical event management skills with spiritual and relational practices, so that you can experience transformative shifts in your professional and personal life.

Tailored Guidance and Support:

Rachel helps you to define your unique path, discover your true calling and craft the perfect job title that resonates with your unique genius and passions.

Mentorship Program Features and Benefits

Comprehensive Support:

Strategic business guidance and deep personal development, ensuring you receive holistic support.

Ongoing Accountability: 

Receiving continuous guidance and accountability to keep you on track and motivated.

A Mind, Body, and Spirit Holistic Approach:

Developing deeper self-awareness by integration of practical business strategies with spiritual insights for holistic growth. Achieving not only your business goals but also growing on a personal and emotional level.

Transformative Experience:

Experiencing rapid personal and professional growth, moving from uncertainty to success in a structured and supportive environment.

Building a sustainable business engine:

 Developing healthy habits and resilience, equipping you to handle increased complexity and stress, paving the way for long-term success. Creating strategies that continue to yield benefits long after the mentorship program ends.

Soul-Led Leadership:

Embracing your role as a soul-led leader, inspiring others and making a meaningful impact in your field.

Empowerment and Activation:

Gaining clarity but also igniting passion and motivation, enabling you to take bold action towards your dreams.

Embark on Your Transformative Journey

Ready to unlock your full potential as a field facilitator? Schedule a complimentary consultation today to learn more about how "Embodied Facilitation Mastery" can support you on your journey. 

Evergreen style training program on marketing and event production

Personalized Workbooks

Bi weekly coaching calls & community access

*BONUS* content planner to make implementation even easier

what you receive:

Let's Connect

Book your free 30 minute connect call with Rachel to see which option is best suited for your needs.

book a call

Ready to work together?

Single guided session 

Option One

90 Minute Zoom Call

Six Week container

Option Two

Program launch or new project support 
Four 60 minute Zoom calls

6 Month Container

Option Three




Unlimited Whatsapp & Voicenote Support


Exclusive Personalized Container
Two 90 Minute Zoom Calls a month



