Module 1: October 12-18, 2024
Module 2: December 1-7, 2024
Module 3: March 17-23, 2025
Module 4: May 26 - June 1, 2025
Module 5: August 25-31, 2025
ONLINE Training: October 12, 2024 - October 11, 2025

*Module 5 will be a live event that the training will fully produce and facilitate together as a live practicum of our training.

The venue for 2024-2025 is New Eden Retreat Center.

Option 1 
The in-person year-long Facilitator Training includes:

 5 week-long in-person training modules (250 hours)
 All food & SHARED accommodation at New Eden Retreat Center
 Professional, edited recordings from all (5) in-person modules
 1 year online training in trauma-informed facilitation (100 hours) with option for professional certification
 Hands on application as a Facilitator in the live event in Module 5
Option 1 Cost:

Early Bird (Before September 1, 2024): €10,000
General Admission (September 1-October 1, 2024): €12,500

*Accommodation provided for all 5 Modules in Shared Room.

Option 2 
The in-person year-long Facilitator Training includes:

 5 week-long in-person training modules (250 hours)
 All food & PRIVATE accommodation at New Eden Retreat Center
 Professional, edited recordings from all (5) in-person modules
 1 year online training in trauma-informed facilitation (100 hours) with option for professional certification
 Hands on application as a Facilitator in the live event in Module 5
Option 2 Cost:

Early Bird (Before September 1, 2024): €13,000
General Admission (September 1-October 1, 2024): €15,500

*Accommodation for Modules 1-4 in Private Room. Module 5 accommodation in a Shared Room. 
The closest airport is Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. New Eden is located approximately 1h 30 minutes - 1h 45 minutes away by car and 2,5 hours away by public transport.

The Field Facilitator Training consists of 5 in-person, week-long modules (250 hours) and an online educational program (100 hours) taking place October 2024 - October 2025. 

Each module will be a combination of engaging lectures, experiential exercises, lively discussions, collaborative group activities, practical training, and enriching practice sessions. Together, these diverse experiences will sculpt you into a skilled and confident facilitator, unveiling the art of transformative group dynamics and field facilitation. 

Module 1
Anchoring yourself as Facilitator
Discovering your Essence, Purpose & Wholeness
Residential & Online Module: New Eden, Netherlands | October 12-18, 2024

Introduction to "The Field Facilitator Training" Framework
Exploring Subtle Energies in Facilitation
Creating a Robust Group Field Container
Deep Listening and Emergent Fields
Establishing Agreements, Values & Boundaries
Reflecting on your Facilitator's Journey
Trauma-Informed Foundational Elements: Regenerative Self-Care
Introduction to a Culture of Care
Safe & Embodied Facilitation

Module 1.5
Foundations of Trauma Transformation 
Understand trauma from the perspective of soulful physiology
Online Module | Between Modules 1 & 2: October 19 - November 30, 2024 (6 weeks)

Embodied Understanding of the Nervous System
Nervous System state shift application
Create an action-oriented plan for nervous system healing
Exploring Trauma and Polyvagal Theory
Tools for Trauma Work and how to prevent Retraumatization
Understanding the essential role of Neuroplasticity in anchoring change
Systems level Somatics - becoming
more inclusive, competent and skilled regarding systemic trauma and intersectionality.

Module 2
The Group Heart
Creating the Relational Field 
Residential & Online Module: New Eden, Netherlands | December 1-7, 2024

Attuning to Your Body and Facilitating Openness
Real-Time Facilitation: Group Energy Navigation
Surrendering to Collective Intelligence
Techniques for Opening Hearts, Bodies and Minds
Enhancing Connection to and coherence of "The Field”
Nervous System Awareness and Subtle Dynamics
Utilising Tribal Regulation for Coherence & Attunement
Fostering Resonant Group Heart Fields
Navigating Relational Nature of the Self

Module 2.5
Emotional Alchemy for Facilitators
Mastering heart-centered leadership & connection
Online Module | Between Modules 2 & 3: December 8, 2024 - March 16, 2024 (14 weeks) 

The Laws of Energetic Group Dynamics
The Heart iQ Circle Protocol
Generational Healing Circle
Group Agreements
Wisdom Council
Clearing Conflict in Circle
Giving & Receiving Feedback

Module 3
Embodied Emergence & Group Intelligence
Facilitating Emergent Group Spaces
Residential & Online Module: New Eden, Netherlands | March 17-23, 2025

Heart iQ & Circle work modalities
Keys to Group Field Emergence
Balancing Ego and Soul’s Calling
Embodied Speaking & Leadership
Navigating Shadow Work for Growth
Facilitating Emergence and Group Wisdom

Module 3.5
Lead with Integrity
Design trauma informed, transparent and ethical prosses + policies
Online Module | Between Module 3 & 4: March 24 - May 25, 2024 (8 weeks) 

Understanding your scope of practice
Power Dynamics and Authority
Inter sovereign relational skills, agreement field, rules of engagement and feedback
Claim and uphold personal integrity
Inclusion and diversity 

Module 4
Standing in Power & Embodied Leadership
Residential & Online Module: New Eden, Netherlands | May 26 - June 1, 2024

Navigating Challenges for Growth
Understanding Group Dynamics
Ritual and Temple Work
Sensitivity in Facilitating Connections
Applying Facilitation Skills in Life
Exploring Sound and Music in Facilitation
Importance of Trust in Vulnerable Leadership

Module 4.5
Regenerative Business Skills
Define and outline a clear scope of how to turn soul passion into a business plan 
Online Module | Between Modules 4 & 5: June 2 - August 24, 2025 (12 weeks) 

Defining Soul-Driven Purpose and Core Offerings
Building Unique Client Journeys and Business Ecosystem
Aligning Business with Nature and Rhythms
Embrace values-led marketing and heal shame
Consensual Sales
Relational Website

Module 5
Collaboration, Co-creation & Facilitating Emergent Group Spaces
Residential & Online Module: New Eden, Netherlands | August 25-31, 2025

Mastering Authentic Business and Marketing
Planning & Facilitating our live co-created event
Keys to Group Field Emergence
Guiding Unified Emergence Phases
Aligning Soul Guidance with Marketing
Collaboration, team work and getting out of the way
Mastering the art of Leading & Following
Unraveling team dynamics
Core competencies, ethics & conflict resolution
Module 5.5
Build a Secure Money Relationship
From money heartbreak to money intimacy
Online Module | Post Module 5: September 1 - October 11, 2025 (6 weeks) 

Money and the Nervous System
Money Intimacy - Develop a secure money attachment
Transparent Pricing
Systems to Receive
The Magic Number 
Crafting a Relational Website


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